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"Free Stuff" is typically in Adobe Acrobat PDF format or JPEG format.
How to fold the United States Flag - This is a color one page handout that can easily be printed and provided to employees or students who are responsible for raising or taking down the United States Flag. "Click" HERE to download the free PDF file HOW TO FOLD THE UNITED STATES FLAG handout.
Our Flag - History of the Stars and Stripes, historical United States flags, the United States flag today, flag laws & regulations, multiple flag illustrations, flag folding, flag sizes, flag care, veterans burial flags, and flags of states and territories. "Click" HERE to download the free PDF file OUR FLAG.
I-A-M-U-W-E-E-C-A-T - The functioning of the M-1 Rifle consists basically of two movements: (1) The Rearward and (2) the Forward movements. There are ten steps to the rear movement: (1) Ignition, (2) Action of the gas, (3) Movement of the Operating Rod to the rear, (4) Unlocking of the bolt, (5) Withdrawal of the firing pin, (6) Extraction of the empty cartridge, (7) Ejection of the empty cartridge, (8) Cocking of the hammer, (9) Action of the follower, (10) Termination of the rearward movement. From US Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD), Paris Island, SC (Circa Korean War). "Click" HERE to download the I-A-M-U-W-E-E-C-A-T PDF FILE.
Rifle, U.S. Cal .30, M1 - Stoppage/Malfunction Chart - Based on US Army FM 23-5, TM 9-1005-222-35 & TM 9-1275. "Click" HERE to download the STOPPAGE/MALFUNCTION CHART.
Rifle, U.S. Cal .30, M1 - M1 Garand Data Sheet (not fillable) & Directions - This is the latest edition - courtesy of the Garand Collectors Association! "Click" HERE to download the M1 GARAND DATA SHEET (not fillable). (Updated 2018-11-04)
The National Match & Standard Operating Rod Assemblies - A comparison of the two operating rods used on the M1 Garand rifle. Caution: After reading this article, you may wonder why you've been buying and paying extra for "NM" stamped operating rod assemblies! "Click" HERE to see the THE NATIONAL MATCH (NM) OPERATING ROD ASSEMBLY - WELL WORTH THE PRICE? article.
M1 Garand Gas Cylinder & Gas Cylinder Lock Screw - Ever wanted to chase the very fine threads on your gas cylinder or gas cylinder lock screw? This article explains "what you have" and "what you need" to properly "chase" those threads. "Click" HERE to see the M1 GARAND GAS CYLINDER & GAS CYLINDER LOCK SCREW THREADS article.
Points to Apply Rifle Grease on the M1 Garand - this is the clearest picture I have ever seen that illustrates the correct lubrication locations on the M1 Garand. "Click" HERE to see the M1 GARAND RIFLE GREASE POINTS.
M1 Target Diagram - a 1MB Adobe Acrobat PDF file of the targeting diagram used for "sighting in" the M1 Garand rifle. This blueprint is from 1954, but I added an example for the "dimensions" section so that people could see how to properly size the diagram for 1000-inch, 30 yard, 50 yard or 100 yard use. "Click" HERE to download the M1 GARAND TARGETING DIAGRAM.
M1 (Garand) Gas System Comparison (Sectional View) - JPEG file showing a comparison between the "old" SCREW-ON TYPE ("Gas Trap") system and the late-model SPLINE TYPE system. "Click" HERE to download the M1 GARAND GAS SYSTEM COMPARISON.
M1C and M1D Cheek Pad Assembly - PDF file showing portions of late model drawing # 7312621, Cheek Pad Assembly, for the M1C and M1D "Sniper" rifles. Earlier M1C "Sniper" rifles used a different mounting point for the cheek pad assembly screws on the cheek pad and the rifle stock. "Click" HERE to download the M1C / M1D CHEEK PAD ASSEMBLY picture and drawing. This item will appear in my upcoming books on the M1C and M1D.
M84 Telescope Potential Sources for Repair (Update: 2017-04-15) - Contact Larry, Owner, L & K Scope Repair, PO Box 32, Eldridge, Missouri 65463. Telephone 417-426-5041. Email lkscoperepair@hughes.net. Web: www.lkscoperepair.com. Also, contact Walker Rowell, Office Manager, Iron Sight Inc., 4814 S. Elwood Ave., Tulsa, OK 74107. Telephone: 918-445-2001. These are the only sources I know of that may still repair M84 telescopes. I am not endorsing either company, because I have not had my M84 telescope serviced by them. I simply am stating a fact - it's hard to find companies that still service and repair the M84 telescope. NOTE: Feedback is always welcome. Contact me at: themerc@windstream.net.
M1 (Garand) Op Rod Spring Length (Min/Max), Set, & Stretch Limits - PDF file that displays set & stretch limits for the M1 Garand op rod spring, as well as determines minimum op rod spring length through gathered empirical data. "Click" HERE to download the M1 OP ROD SPRING LENGTH file.
M15 Grenade Launcher Directions & Range Tables - PDF file format displays the directions, use, and range tables for the M15 Grenade Launcher used on the M1 Garand, M1903, M1903A1, and M1 Carbine service rifles. "Click" HERE to download the M15 GRENADE LAUNCHER DIRECTIONS & RANGE TABLES.
Thesis by: LCDR John Snyder, United States Navy
[Unclassified, Distribution: No Restrictions]. Title: Rifle Innovation: From the
M1903 Springfield to the M1 Garand. Discussion: During the Inter-War period,
the military was searching for a dependable and accurate rifle to replace the
Springfield. While almost any semiautomatic rifle would be more susceptible to
malfunction than the hand-operated bolt-action M1903, the services were willing
to forego some dependability in the name of firepower. In the late 1920's, the
competition of providing a rifle rested mostly with John Garand and J.D.
Pedersen. They offered two very different rifles: gas-operated and
recoil-operated weapons, respectively. Pedersen was also able to convince the
Army Ordnance Board that a .276 caliber bullet would be better than the .30 cal.
This he attributed to the .30 being too strong for self-loading actions. While
Pedersen developed strictly a .276 Cal weapon, Garand continued to develop his
.30 cal in addition to the .276. In 1932, Army Chief of Staff, General McArthur,
rejected the .276 caliber bullet, and ordered the search for a dependable .30
cal semi-auto continue. At this point, the Garand was the only choice available.
With the Marines, the competition came down to the Garand, a rifle by Marine
Lieutenant Marvin Johnson, and a Winchester rifle. With the Winchester in its
infancy of development, only two were available for testing, and each suffered
many breakages. The Garand and the Johnson were the only choices for the USMC.
After intensive testing in San Diego in 1940, the Board to Conduct Competitive
Test, Caliber .30 Rifles, declared the Garand to be the best of the rifles
tested, but recommended that no rifle be selected until more reliable models
became available. That recommendation lasted only two months, when the Marine
Corps adopted the Garand as its standard issue shoulder weapon. "Click"
download the Rifle
Innovation: From the M1903 Springfield to the M1 Garand.
US Marine Corps Competitive Rifle Tests of Caliber .30 Rifles [ M1 Garand, M1903, Johnson, and Winchester Rifles]. Dated January 16, 1941 the Marine Corps Board results were published that outlined the pros and cons of the four rifles mentioned. The results of this testing were that the Marine Corps retained the M1903 rifle as it's primary "standard rifle" until development of the semi-automatic rifle could be similar in efficiency and dependability to the M1903. However, the last sentence of the report - concerning the M1 Garand, may surprise you. "Click" HERE to download the Extracts form report of Board to Conduct Competitive Tests, Caliber .30 Rifles.
Points to Apply Rifle Grease on the M14 Rifle - This is a clear JPEG picture that illustrates the correct lubrication locations on the M14 Rifle. "Click" HERE to see the M14 RIFLE GREASE POINTS.
M14 Postcard (Circa Mid to Late 1950s) - This is a JPEG picture of a postcard sold at Fort Benning depicting the "new" M14 Rifle. Note the write-up concerning the four firearms that the M14 replaced - the write-up was originally on the back of the postcard. "Click" HERE to see the M14 POSTCARD.
U.S. Army Deployment 2005 - This PDF picture should give you an idea of what some Army units are deploying with in late 2005 to "overseas duty". For the early Vietnam vets, it should look very familiar. "Click" HERE to see the M14 RIFLE.
Telescope / Auto-Ranging ART II - This is a downloadable / free PDF that discusses the history and information on the ART II 3 x 9 variable power scope - allows for compensation for bullet drop - the sniper can therefore literally aim at the target. Go to: http://www.bassettmachine.com/files/ART2_operating manual.pdf.
M16A1 Field Stripping Chart / Training Aid - this is a fairly large Adobe Acrobat PDF file that allows an individual to print out, laminate, and use same in field stripping and identification of parts while cleaning his M16A1-style rifle. "Click" HERE to download the M16A1 FIELD STRIPPING CHART / TRAINING AID.
1911 and 1911-A1 Comparison Chart - Visual comparison between the 1911 & 1911-A1. "Click" HERE to see the COMPARISON BETWEEN THE 1911 & 1911-A1 PISTOL.
Photos [3 Each]: Automatic Pistol, Model of 1911, Cal. 45. Dated October 8, 1918. "Click" HERE [1], HERE [2] and/or HERE [3] to see the various photos.
1952 Infantry School Quarterly article on the SNIPERSCOPE Infrared Set No. 1, 20,000 Volts - The article describes how to establish the 125-yard "Battle Sight Zero" for the M3 Carbine SNIPERSCOPE. "Click" HERE to download the 1952 Infantry School Quarterly article on the SNIPERSCOPE Infrared Set No. 1, 20,000 Volts article.
U.S. Rifle, Caliber .30, Model of 1917 - Data Sheet - Created by Dan Wilson and freely distributed in PDF file format. "Click" HERE to download the MODEL OF 1917 DATA SHEET.
M1917 Front Sight Windage Adjustment Tool Diagram - "Reverse Engineered" from a working Danish front sight tool. If you have an M1917, you really need one of these tools. "Click" HERE to download the M1917 FRONT SIGHT ADJUSTMENT TOOL diagram in PDF file format.
M1917 Front Sight Height (Elevation) Calculation - You go to the range and shoot you M1917 rifle. Oops! It shoots "way high" or "way low"! You go to adjust the rear sight elevation (like on your GARAND) and find out why the M1917 had replaceable front sights with different heights! "Click" HERE to download the M1917 FRONT SIGHT HEIGHT (ELEVATION) CALCULATION data sheet on how to calculate the change in height that you need to make to "zero" your rifle. File is in PDF format.
M1917 Bullet Flight - This pretty well explains "Battle Zero" set at 400 yards on the M1917 rifle. "Click" HERE to download the M1917 BULLET FLIGHT PDF file.
The M1917 and the Kerr Sling - this is an Adobe Acrobat PDF file on how the Kerr Sling is used and installed on the M1917 rifle. "Click" HERE to download the M1917 KERR SLING.
Rifle, U.S. Cal .30, M1903 Springfield Series - Data Sheet - Created by Dan Wilson and freely distributed in PDF file format. "Click" HERE to download the MODEL OF 1903 SPRINGFIELD DATA SHEET. Important note: This is a "fillable" PDF file - it takes time to open!
U.S. Rifle, Caliber .30, M1903A4 (Snipers) - Recommended for Adoption - On 10 December 1942 the Subcommittee on Small Arms recommended the adoption of the M1903A4 sniper rifle and the Weaver 330-C telescope. The attached PDF file explains the background, issue, materials, specifications, etc. for said issue to the field. "Click" HERE to download the U.S. RIFLE, CALIBER .30, M1903A4 (SNIPERS) SUBCOMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION FOR ADOPTION.
Photo: Model 1903 Rifle with 25 Round Magazine.
Dated October 8, 1918."Click"
HERE to see the Model 1903
Rifle with 25 Round Magazine.
Miscellaneous Items of Interest
Can You Read A Micrometer - Precision measurements are often dependent on the ability to accurately read a micrometer. Can you? "Click" HERE to download the PDF file CAN YOU READ A MICROMETER.
Torque Wrenches - A Left-Handed Monkey Wrench - A Torque Wrench literally "clocks" the resistance of a nut, bolt, or part being turned. Do you know how to use a Torque Wrench? Can you? "Click" HERE to download the PDF file TORQUE WRENCHES - A LEFT-HANDED MONKEY WRENCH.
The Johnson Semi-Automatic Rifle - General Description; Ammunition; Care & Cleaning; Lubrication; Disassembly / Assembly Instructions and Cut-A-Way View. "Click" HERE to download the PDF file JOHNSON SEMI-AUTOMATIC RIFLE.
Artificial Respiration / Basic Cardiac Life Support (GTA 08-11-011) - "Click" HERE to download the PDF file GTA 08-11-011.
"Morale" by John H. Thornton (Circa WWII) - "Click" HERE to download the PDF file MORALE.
Basic Rifle Marksmanship (GTA 7-1-43) - "Click" HERE to download the PDF file GTA 7-1-43.
A History Lesson on Ordnance Drawings and Numbers - "Click" HERE to download the HISTORY OF ORDNANCE DRAWINGS AND NUMBERS.
Marking System For Scoring The 1967 M1 Garand / M14 Competition Rifle Targets - "Click" HERE to download this PDF file on the 1967 MARKING SYSTEM FOR SCORING TARGETS AT CAMP PERRY NATIONAL MATCHES.
Photo: Browning Machine Rifle. "Light Browning." Dated: October 8, 1918. "Click" HERE to see the Browning Machine Rifle. "Light Browning." Dated: October 8, 1918.
Printer Paper Sizes - Just one of those tidbits of information I found that I needed occasionally when scanning and / or printing. "Click" HERE to see Printer Paper Sizes. The download is in WORD format.
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Send email to themerc@windstream.net with feedback, questions or comments.
CONDITION OF SALE AND USE OF MATERIALS FOUND, PROVIDED, AND / OR SOLD ON THIS WEBSITE: The information contained in the downloads, books, or blueprints found on this website are provided to the reader solely for his or her amusement, curiosity, and education. Nicolaus Associates assumes no responsibility for the correctness and accuracy of this information. Any other use of this information may be subject to a variety of applicable laws and regulations and is the sole responsibility of those who choose to use it. These government books and drawings are "obsolete" - the U.S. government does not know whether they are accurate or not - the people who did know are long-ago dead from old age! Therefore, Nicolaus Associates does not know either! Any attempt to use these books or drawings to build, modify, or use on any firearm would not be smart or very intelligent, could actually be dangerous, and may actually violate federal, state, or local law.