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The following 27" X 36" Black & White M3A1 Machinegun Disassembly Mat, GTA 9-60, reproduction is available. Layout Chart is printed on HP Heavyweight coated paper.
"Click" HERE to see the M3A1 Machinegun Layout Chart GTA 9-60
Item Name: M3A1 Layout Chart GTA 9-60 (27" X 36" Size) Price: $24.00 The following 22" X 34" Lewis Machine Gun Poster is available. This poster includes a number of pictures associated with the operation and maintenance of the firearm. Note: If you desire a specific size poster or particular type of paper (e.g., photo paper for photo framing) please contact Nicolaus Associates for an appropriate quote. Email us at: themerc@windstream.net or call us at: (706) 367-1257.
"Click" HERE to see the Lewis Machine Gun Poster
Item Name: Lewis Machine Gun (22" X 34" Size) Price: $24.50
Item Name: 8.5" X 11" Color Browning Machine Gun Caliber .30, M1917A1 Graphic Training Aid (GTA) 9-604 (December 1952) Price: $24.00
Item Name: 8.5" X 11" Color Browning Automatic Rifle, Cal. .30, M1918A2 Graphic Training Aid (GTA) 9-606 (August 1952) Price: $21.00
Item Name: 8.5" X 11" Color Browning Machinegun .50 Cal Graphic Training Aid (GTA) 9-6-38 Price: $32.00 The following 17" X 22" and 24" X 31" Color M1928A1 Thompson SMG Army Map Service Lithograph reproductions are available. Note: If you desire a specific size poster or particular type of paper (e.g., photo paper for photo framing) please contact Nicolaus Associates for an appropriate quote. Email us at: themerc@windstream.net or call us at: (706) 367-1257.
"Click" HERE to see the Color M1928A1 Thompson SMG Army Map Service Lithograph.
Item Name: Color M1928A1 Thompson SMG Army Map Service Lithograph (17" X 22") Price: $17.50
Item Name: Color M1928A1 Thompson SMG Army Map Service Lithograph (24" X 31") Price: $24.00 The following 22" X 34" Color M2 Cal .50 Browning Machinegun Headspace Headaches Poster is available. Note: If you desire a specific size poster or particular type of paper (e.g., photo paper for photo framing) please contact Nicolaus Associates for an appropriate quote. Email us at: themerc@windstream.net or call us at: (706) 367-1257.
"Click" HERE to see the Color M2 Cal .50 Browning Machinegun Headspace Headaches Poster
Item Name: Color Poster M2 Cal .50 Browning Machinegun Headspace Headaches (22" X 34") Price: $28.00 The following 22" X 34" Color M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle (B.A.R.) Poster is available. Note: If you desire a specific size poster or particular type of paper (e.g., photo paper for photo framing) please contact Nicolaus Associates for an appropriate quote. Email us at: themerc@windstream.net or call us at: (706) 367-1257.
"Click" HERE to see the Color M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle (B.A.R.) Poster
Item Name: Color M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle (B.A.R.) Poster (22" X 34") Price: $24.00 The following 32" X 58" Black & White M2 Browning .50 Caliber Machinegun Layout Chart, GTA 10-8-7, October 1982 reproduction is available. Layout Chart is printed on HP Heavyweight coated paper.
"Click" HERE to see the M2 Browning .50 Caliber Machinegun Layout Chart, GTA 10-8-7
Item Name: M2 Browning .50 Caliber Machinegun Layout Chart, GTA 10-8-7, October 1982 Price: $30.00 The following 30" X 40" Black & White M249 Machine Gun Disassembly Mat, GTA 7-1-42, reproduction is available. Layout Chart is printed on HP Heavyweight coated paper.
"Click" HERE to see the M249 Machine Gun Layout Mat, GTA 7-1-42
Item Name: M249 Machine Gun Disassembly Mat, GTA 7-1-42 Price: $22.00 The following 36" X 46" Black & White M3A1 Machinegun Layout Chart, GTA 10-8-5, October 1982 reproduction is available. Layout Chart is printed on HP Heavyweight coated paper.
"Click" HERE to see the M3A1 Machinegun Layout Chart, GTA 10-8-5
Item Name: M3A1 Machinegun Layout Chart, GTA 10-8-5, October 1982 Price: $28.00 Click Below to "View Cart" or "Check Out"
Send email to themerc@windstream.net with feedback, questions or comments.
CONDITION OF SALE AND USE OF MATERIALS FOUND, PROVIDED, AND / OR SOLD ON THIS WEBSITE: The information contained in the downloads, books, or blueprints found on this website are provided to the reader solely for his or her amusement, curiosity, and education. Nicolaus Associates assumes no responsibility for the correctness and accuracy of this information. Any other use of this information may be subject to a variety of applicable laws and regulations and is the sole responsibility of those who choose to use it. These government books and drawings are "obsolete" - the U.S. government does not know whether they are accurate or not - the people who did know are long-ago dead from old age! Therefore, Nicolaus Associates does not know either! Any attempt to use these books or drawings to build, modify, or use on any firearm would not be smart or very intelligent, could actually be dangerous, and may actually violate federal, state, or local law.